i. Physical white application form [in name of beneficial investor(s)] with zero financing
ii. Physical yellow application form [in name of nominee] with zero financing or with non-zero financing
iii. CCASS eIPO application instruction with zero financing or with non-zero financing [in name of nominee]
iv. Margin financing application
IPO Financing is a short term loan facility. We may lend to our cash or margin client up to 90% of the value of shares subscribed. Clients financing their applications through IPO financing are exposed to additional risks. Clients should ensure full understanding of the risks before committing to the IPO loan.
Stock price of the issuer will be fluctuate according to market situations after listing and may be substantially below the IPO offer price. Besides, you may be allotted shares more than what you expect. The liquidation proceeds of the allotted shares may not be sufficient for repaying the outstanding IPO loan in full.
We only offer Financing on selected IPOs listed on HKEX Main Board or GEM Board. Please contact your Account Executive or Customer Service Hotline (852)3698 6750.
If you choose to apply IPO through our nominee services, we will take charge on behalf of you to apply. You can just simply contact your Account Executive for the IPO subscription and deposit sufficient funds to us before our cut off time.
If you have applied for IPO using Financing or Nominees Services, please deposit sufficient funds in your trading account before our application cut off time. The subscription monies will be put on hold after cutoff time.
If you applied by White Form or Yellow Form in your own name, then please drop your application and payment into bank collection boxes before application list closes.
Margin Financing & Nominees - You can check the allotment result with your account executive or our Customer Service Hotline on the allotment date. Allotted shares will be directly lodged in your China Galaxy trading account.
White Form & Yellow form - Please check the result on newspapers or HKEX website on the allotment date.
On refund cheque dispatch date, the refunded amount will be directly credited to China Galaxy accounts of clients who use Margin Financing or Nominees Services. For applications by White Form/Yellow Form, refund cheque will be directly mailed to the applicant’s address as specified on the White Form/Yellow Form.